Day of Action 2022
on Tuesday, November 15, 2022
In October, MEC crews in southwest and southeast Michigan gave back to our communities. Check out what we did for Day of Action in 2022.
In the Village of Cassopolis, we decorated the downtown area with bales of hay, mums, pumpkins, lights, and flags for the holidays to come.

Once we completed that, we headed down to Animal Control to give love by walking and playing with all the furry friends waiting to be adopted.

In Dowagiac, we cleaned and painted as many of the fire hydrants as time would allow. The fresh paint makes the hydrants much easier for firefighters to see.

At the Lenawee Humane Society, we replaced the sand in the outdoor dog runs with two inches of pea gravel. The sand was “less than clean” and tended to cut the dogs’ pads when they walked on it, making it even more of a health risk.

Removing years of sand proved to be a far bigger task than we first thought. It was a foot deep at the front of the kennels and more than two feet deep at the back. It took four hours to remove the sand using shovels, a dingo, and a skid steer before spreading 25 tons of pea gravel. In order to get the equipment in, much of the kennel fencing had to be removed as well.

A vet told us the pea gravel will help in a major way with disease prevention and control, as well as site drainage. It can also be bleached. The dogs and shelter will be much cleaner now.

Thank you to all those who helped out!