Hope, Faith, and Recovery at Wings of God
on Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Wings of God Pearl (L) and staff member (R)
Wings of God Transition Home in Paw Paw, Michigan is transforming lives.
The organization was established in 2012 to provide Christianity-based transitional housing for previously incarcerated women, many of whom have struggled with addiction. Wings of God gives the women, or “Pearls,” the opportunity to experience a calm living environment, participate in addiction recovery steps, and develop a support network throughout its one-year program. The organization has assisted 125 women (10 per year on average) since its inception.
Wings of God does not receive any state or federal funding, relying solely on donations and grants to provide its services. In 2024 the organization received one such donation from MEC, matched by a Sharing Success Grant through CoBank.
Tree mural displaying photos of Pearls
How it Works
Women who come to Wings of God must apply on their own initiative. Staff members meet with them to determine if they’ll be a good fit for the program.
The newly minted Pearl then moves into the home and begins the first of five phases.
- Phase 1: The Pearl spends time acclimating to the home, getting her medical needs met, and going to life skill classes.
- Phase 2: The Pearl begins working part time and continues her classes. Depending on her progress, she may be granted more freedom and may be able to take a leave of absence.
- Phase 3: The Pearl begins working full time.
- Phase 4: The Pearl prepares to move out of the main Wings of God home. Together with staff she defines future housing goals and how to achieve them.
- Phase 5: The Pearl moves into one of three next-step houses in Paw Paw, or she moves into her own housing.
To graduate from the program, a Pearl must have a minimum of $1,000 for a housing down payment and must demonstrate that she intends to continue going to classes, attending church, and participating in addiction recovery meetings.
Strength Through Love
Executive Director Karina Lamorandier says that at Wings of God, Pearls are transformed by the power of forgiveness.
“We witness miracles of relationships with children, including adult children, restored,” she says. “We celebrate recovery as Pearls mark days, weeks, months, and eventually years of living sober. We have the honor of sharing our faith in Jesus—who is lover of their soul—who will set her feet on solid ground.”
Wings of God Transition Home
Wings of God offers women at their most vulnerable point an opportunity for safety and stillness.
“One of the Pearls shared after her first night at the Wings of God house that she had her best night’s sleep because she wasn’t in charge. She felt safe; she felt covered,” says Lamorandier.
Women interested in applying to the Wings of God program can call 269-415-0777. They can also email a brief bio and reasons why they are interested to info@wingsofgodinc.org, or mail it to Wings of God Transition Home, PO Box 3, Paw Paw, MI 49079.
Several volunteer opportunities are also available. More information about Wings of God can be found on their website at wingsofgodinc.org.