What's New in CommandIQ?
on Thursday, June 2, 2022
New CommandIQ features are available, giving you even more control over your MEC fiber internet experience.

Network-Wide Restrictions
ExperienceIQ now has a network-wide restrictions option. This lets you block content across your entire network, instead of having to enable filters on each individual profile.

Mesh Unit Placement Guide
In-app mesh placement guidance helps you get the most out of your Wi-Fi, teaching you how to find the best location for your mesh device.

Simple-Tap Profile Control
A simple tap profile control button simplifies profile management by letting you pause and resume a registered user’s network access. It also makes it easier to add additional minutes to a time-limited user’s access schedule.
We can’t wait for you to experience CommandIQ’s new features! If you don’t have your phone set to automatically update apps, you can go to your app store now to download the latest CommandIQ update.