Call Before You Dig

Published on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 in Community

Spring has sprung and we’re all ready to get to work on our outdoor projects. But wait! Before you put shovel to dirt, be sure to call 8-1-1 to have public underground facilities marked.

Michigan’s MISS DIG program is free and ensures buried public utilities are marked before you dig. Call at least four business days prior to starting work, and line locators will visit your property to mark the lines. Whether you’re landscaping; installing a deck, patio, pool or fence; or building an addition onto your home, marking your lines is a critical first step for your safety and for the infrastructure that is underground. Accidentally damaging an underground utility line can put your life, and the lives of others, at risk – and you can incur charges if we must repair damage.

Check out this tip sheet from the Michigan Public Service Commission for more information on safe digging.