Morgan Hartline, 2018 MEC Scholarship Winner
on Monday, June 25, 2018
“Make use of time. Let not advantage slip.” – William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis
Morgan Hartline, daughter of Steven Hartline and Rebekah Green-Hartline and graduate of Marcellus High School lives this saying every day. She filled her youth and high school days with activities ranging from 4-H to sports to Students Against Destructive Decisions to band to National Honor Society and on and on.
Morgan received one of our $1,000 scholarships for 2018 for her strong commitment to academics, community work, athletics, and leadership as well as for her creative video essay answering the question, “What is your super power?” in which she introduces us to Serve Girl and the many ways in which she helps her neighbors and community.
While active in softball and cross country, Morgan's true sports passion was, and continues to be, basketball. In fact, she hopes to coach basketball someday as she plans to pursue a degree in secondary education from Grand Valley State University. “I love kids and I love basketball. Being point guard taught me leadership skills and the responsibility and patience required to be a good mentor for kids,” she noted in a recent interview.
In addition to her busy athletic schedule, Morgan was also very active in Legacy 4-H, “It brought us closer together as a family because I grew up watching my sisters show and then learned from them,” she said. Some of her many 4-H accolades included Champion Lightweight Dairy Feeder Steer, Grand Champion Market Barrow, Reserve Champion Roaster Chicken, Grand Champion Heavyweight Market Chicken, Grand Champion Bird of the Barn and Grand Champion Market Roaster Chicken. Showing pigs was her favorite and she participated in Market Swine for nine years earning Junior Swine Showmanship first place and multiple First or Second in Class and Champion or Reserve Champion market swine awards.
Morgan also played saxophone in concert, marching and jazz bands and got the chance to march her way through Disney World in November of 2017.
As an active member, and eventually President of, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), she worked hard to model good behavior to her fellow students to help fulfill SADD's mission to empower kids to make positive decisions that advance their health and safety.
On top of all of this, Morgan participated in the National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society and volunteered on many projects such as annual barn clean-ups, food and clothing drives, fundraisers, pet food drives and more. She even helped send letters and care packages to military personnel. She managed all of this while maintaining a 4.0 GPA and smile on her face.
Her mastery of hard work and dedication will serve her in college and ultimately her career and we are proud to support her efforts.
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