Update on New Adrian Facility
by Bob Hance on Friday, October 14, 2022
About Us

As the year winds down and the triple-whammy holiday season of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s approaches, I like to reflect on the previous 12 months – what went well, what we could have done differently, and what I’m grateful for. It helps me focus on where I’m going, while also keeping in mind where I’ve been.
This year, I’m grateful for many things. Our customers have shown us support through one of Michigan’s most extreme-weather summers yet. The MEC team continues to take on new, highly skilled individuals so we can serve those customers better than ever before. And of course, there’s the anticipation of our new southeast Michigan facility – a win for customers and employees alike.
Front Office
The last time I talked to you about our new service center in Raisin Township, we had just purchased the land (about 10 acres at 5050 Occidental Highway in Adrian). We’re now hard at work on the facility, which will replace our existing southeast service center.
The new building includes 6,500 square feet of office space and 32,000 square feet of warehouse/parking space. It will be physically accessible with a drive-through window and a safe and secure server room to accommodate our technology needs. It’s more central to our overall customer base, and it will house all employees and lines of business under one roof, making it a much more efficient facility.
Vehicle Storage
We’re building this facility at a critical time as we further expand internet service to more homes, businesses, and institutions across southern Michigan. A lot of this work is in our southeastern service area. The new facility will allow us to direct the expansion more efficiently, especially as we finalize permits and move into construction and installations. As all this happens, we will need space to continue providing the attentive service our electric customers have come to expect.
At the time of this writing, drywall is up throughout much of the building, and they have started moving in equipment, cabinets, and more. The warehouse and vehicle storage areas have taken shape as well, and plumbing, wiring, and duct work are complete. The new facility has come a long way in just a few short months.
We hope to open our new service center to you in December 2022. In the meantime, I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.