Strengthening Schools Grants
We are dedicated to building strong communities by giving local educators the opportunity to reach their students in new and exciting ways.

This program is made possible through sponsorship dollars from our power supplier, Wolverine Power Cooperative.
Any teacher, administrator or school official in a public elementary, middle or high school serving students in our electric service territory may apply for a grant of up to $2,500 to support classroom needs, technology, or academic projects/clubs/organizations. School districts can receive multiple grants, not to exceed a total of $5,000 for the award cycle and funds will be awarded in January 2024. Previously funded projects have included updated classroom microscopes, tools for kids working through difficult emotions, literacy program materials, and funds to jump-start a beekeeping program.
Applications are evaluated and funding decisions are made by a committee of MEC customers without knowledge of the applying school, district or educator. An application is not a guarantee of funding.
Here is a list of townships within our electric service territory.
Grant Reviewers
Did you know that MEC electric customers decide which proposals get Strengthening Schools funds? We need volunteers for the upcoming award cycle.
Eligibility: Any MEC customer who can dedicate time to reviewing, discussing and awarding grants. This includes meeting in person for one full weekday in the fall.
The review committee does not know the school, educator or district when determining recipients.
If interested, please email